Pastors and Church Leaders,

The church is facing a mental health crisis. 

We need support for depression and anxiety, and we need hope for renewed relationships and practical tools to build them.

I believe pastors and leaders shouldn’t have to carry this burden alone. Mental health change is spiritual change. As Pete Scazzero says, “You cannot be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature.” In the same manner, we cannot be spiritually vibrant if we don’t know how to address depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues with clarity, vision, and intentionality. This work is in no way limited to the therapy office, and churches are no doubt part of God’s provision to help Christians—and all people—become whole people.

I want to team with you and support you as you work to help people you lead feel better and live better.

I am available to speak 1 - 2x monthly at local churches or groups with a biblically based, trauma-informed and mental health informed talk.

Or, if you simply need some support or wisdom regarding mental health needs at your church, please reach out.

Ways to Support Your Church Community

Pastoral Mental Health Consultation



Speaking or Preaching

  • Speaking

    A healthy church has many healthy voices. I’ve worked with pastors for the past 10 years to integrate good mental health wisdom with scripture.

    Turning the pulpit over to someone requires trust. Trust that the speaker is wise, informed, and can guide your church the way you would. Because of this, I can connect you with past talks I’ve given in church settings, including my own church home.

  • Workshops

    Workshops can provide additional education and supplement your Sunday teaching. Marriage workshops are the most common, but I can also develop workshops for healthier family relationships, identity work that supports discipleship, or trauma work that helps people to experience freedom in their lives, relationships. All of these lead to a healthier and hopeful church body, who can understand God’s love in a new way.

    There’s so many possibilities— let’s brainstorm together to address your specific church needs.

  • Retreats

    Retreats can have similar content and goals to workshops, but give an opportunity to escape our current environment to learn and hear God’s voice as we rest.

    In addition to teaching on a specific subject, a retreat can include spiritual formation work — contemplative prayer, Visio and Lectio Divinas, Examen prayers. Invitations to engage in our relationship with Jesus in ways that give us deep comfort and hope because of the experiential and embodied nature of this type of prayer.

    Workshops and Retreats can be combined, too.